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Sunday 12th May 2024,
Hope for Nigeria

World’s Longest D*ck Title Holder Revealed [Photos/Video]

Longest Dick

The news of a man who claims that he has the longest d*ck in the world quickly spread like a wildfire over the social media sites.

With a size of 18.9 inches, Roberto Esquivel Cabrera grabbed a weighing scale to measure the weight of his outstanding manhood.

Longest Dick

The weighing scale shows that it is 2.2 pounds. The 52-year-old man put a sock into his manhood to show how big it is.
Some may say that this is a blessing, but for the Mexican man, it is not. He wants to be registered as disabled because his manhood gets in the way of doing his job properly.

Longest Dick

Based on the 3D scan performed on his manhood, the doctors of Saltillo City claims that it is genuine. The pen*s is only 6 inches and the rest was just extra skin.
Scroll down in the video page for video

Longest Dick

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